Zoe Grace, a UK-based gospel duo renowned for their harmonious vocals and uplifting music, presents a heartfelt cover of “This Year (Blessings),” originally performed by Victor Thompson. With their unique blend of soulful melodies and inspiring lyrics, Zoe Grace breathes new life into this beloved song.
Originally written and performed by Victor Thompson, “This Year (Blessings)” is a song of faith, hope, and declaration, reminding believers to trust in God’s provision and promises. Zoe Grace’s version maintains the song’s essence while adding their distinct, worshipful style.
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Zoe Grace’s rendition emphasizes gratitude and anticipation of God’s blessings, inspiring listeners to approach the future with faith and confidence.
Listen to Zoe Grace’s beautiful take on “This Year (Blessings)” via their YouTube channel and be encouraged to trust in God’s faithfulness for the year ahead. Watch here!